Asking someone like me why I write is akin to asking someone why they drive.

Most people drive to go from point A to point B. There is something that is waiting for them at point B that warrants leaving point A.

Similarly, writing is my vehicle for reaching a new state of consciousness. Every word that I write is a step to reinvention. Reinvention for what, though? And what exactly is my point B?

In a world where change is the only thing that is constant, reinvention is necessary daily. If you aren’t keeping up with the ever-changing world, it will leave you behind. One way to keep up is to read. Another way to keep up is to write. Allow me to explain.

In order to write, we must first observe. Ideas must come from somewhere. It could be something as simple as a sunset, or as glorious as the aurora borealis.

When we really open your eyes to the world around you, and appreciate the beauty and perfection of everything, from the grasshoppers bouncing from one blade of grass to another, to the hundreds of people we don’t know and perhaps may never know, who take the same exact route as us to work, we begin to realize how insignificant we are. That guy who just took that last parking spot before you? He’s just like you. He has errands to run. Mouths to feed. He doesn’t know you, and you don’t know him. And it will likely stay that way because the world is bigger than you think.

By observing the world, and asking ourselves questions about why the world works a certain way, we can begin to form our own conclusions about how the world works. They don’t need to be scientific conclusions. Just theories and curiosity.

The formation of these ideas is incredibly important. Ideas are the key component of any piece worth reading. It’s necessary to become great at creating ideas that are worth writing about. And if you have no ideas worth writing about, then it’s even more crucial to make that idea worth writing about.

In yesterday’s piece, I argued that everything is inherently meaningless because the world is so vast, both in time and space, that nothing we do will ever matter. However, the beauty of life comes from the meanings we attribute to previously meaningless things.

The same goes for ideas–any idea can be worth writing about and expanding upon, only if you give it the meaning to become important.

A spider in my room is hardly an ingenious idea. In fact, there are very few ideas that could be more boring than that. However, through some observation and introspection, I gave that spider meaning to my life. Perhaps I even gave that spider meaning to other people’s lives.

And that is what I strive to do with my writing. I want to inspire readers. I want them to breathe meaning into previously meaningless things. I want to encourage them to slow down in the fast paced life, and sit outside, and observe the beautiful world around them.

That is my point B–inspiration. I write both to inspire myself, and to inspire others.

While I find my voice, I hope to be inspired by others taking the same journey as I am. I hope to forge lasting friendships and learn a lot from other people like me.

Conversely, I would also like to inspire others, and share mistakes I’ve made with other people like me.

I wish to join a community of passionate people full of ideas. We are all in the same journey, heading in the same direction, perhaps with a slightly different point B. But we’re all in the same vehicle, and as such, our combined powers will make us undefeatable.